
holding a record

so i am holding a record of most posts. jk.

anyways i am home and the other day i watched a feature about randy pausch. now i have been hearing a lot about him in the past week, even at church! which was pretty cool. i am ashamed that i have not read his book yet. i think i should.

anyways, it was amazing what some people did because they listened to his lecture on youtube. one man who is about 70-ish? who had a terminal illness and suffered from depression got up from watching the lecture and cleaned up his house. his house was EXTREMELY messy so that was a huge feat for him, especially because he was pretty elderly and moved slowly.

and ive been reading all these stories because i really have nothing to do about people coming out of ruts and doing all kinds of things. this 63 year old woman who I don't really know but someone I do knows her...got up and went to florida to think about retirement homes and she said "i don't want to go to sleep at 9pm every day and i don't want to eat at 5pm everyday". and so, she decided she never wanted to retire, went back to graduate school for a law degree and she is now using that jd degree to practice! and shes 6...6? now? yes 66.

i think im pretty proud of our group because we have been trying hard to live life. some harder than others. being in business at cmu is interesting because everyone seems that they have some set path that they really have to go down even if they don't particularly have a favoring for it. like finance for instance, etc. but i think we've taken big steps forward towards not going through that phase completely especially xiao i think because shes been doing all kinds of non-financey stuff and went to australia to eat koalas. and jay choosing to do something other than banking. and what use is it to have people think of you as that money grubby person especially when you're on your death bed thinking what impact have i made: "hmmm I wanted money all my life and got it. the end"

and it seems more difficult for those that are asians and grow up surrounded by people with similar talk and thought waves. my mom always wanted me to do something with lots of money but money is not the answer! although it does help pay for those classes that you do want to take. anyways, i think im going to go towards decisions that make me happy. spend my time enjoying life and not be depressed.

so i need to write down all the things I REALLY want to do. and i better do it. like that list to do before i die or childhood dreams type things.

- work for pixar
- be a voice for a cartoon character
- know how to do several dances (ballroom, clogging, tap, etc)
- surf
- run a marathon..ONE DAYYYY!
- have twins (zee impossible) that wear european style clothing
- be able to use a sewing machine flawlessly
- plan parties/weddings that aren't my own
- work for martha stewart or domino magazine
- start a fund to help people
- be in charge of a huge event like the special olympics
- volunteer every weekend
- make beautiful cakes
- have a victorian style house that i completely design on my own with my hubby-balloo

okay what are your lists?!

hahah =)


i seem to be posting

AlOOOOOT. jay wants people to post more on this. so im going to say Helloooo!!!!.

what have I been doing since I have been home.

1. bumming
2. bumming
3. reading some stuff

what stuff? so i went to the library and borrowed out some books on paper flowers, wedding showers, and decorating. they seem cute.

i am writing on my other blog. www.annalysews.blogspot.com about my moving into the apartment. i need to update with camera shots of the apartment. i forgot the camera. stupid me. instead i used my moms phone camera to take pictures of flowers. we went to the botanical gardens and it was TOO HOT. TOO hOOOooot. and i don't mean. H o t. i mean. heat hot.!!!!!!

jay - suggestion. please visit US!!!! =)


nova scotia

anna ly is now in nova scotia. the air smells nice

picture soon to come

I misS YOU BOTH! please post more =(