
the beauty of FOOD

so i just saw ......

amazing movie! loved every bit of it. except..t.he running of the rats...swarm of them creeped me out. i read that one of the animators who lent their voice for alfredo linguini character studied theater arts and then switched to animation ...wowee! i should go back to what i wanted to do since i was little...which was animation. but that stuff takes a lot of time at the computer...and im afraid of becoming pale and my eyes getting worst.

ive been pooping well since ive been home though...i.e. A LOT. its like every time i lie down im like op i have to get back up again. its frustrating...because sometimes i just want to sit for a long time but i can't. oh wells. hmmm what else. my mom made short ribs just a couple of hours ago. i had some cat fish too. i LOOOOVe cat fish...fried catfish is delicious. yummmmmmm

and me and my sister made mint strawberry limeade (will post pictures later)


love to all the darlings (i.e. you two)


bored in korea!

so i'm really bored. i'm not really looking into apartment stuff either. my mom said she's taking care of it. because it's the joy of her life. hahaha :D so i'm doing her a favor by moving. other than that, im jetlagged. i woke up at 6am. i took a nap from 5pm to 9pm yesterday. and missed dinner. hahaha. oh well. i miss afternoon tea. when do we wanna do it again? something like this!

ps. since im too lazy to make my own travel blog, ill upload my travel stuff on jax :P and make it more colorful! yay! miss you darlings already!

mmm i love weddings

hello everyone! jay! get a bunny and have it poop everywhere. puwahahah. anyways today is last day in south carolina =(

i fly out tonight at 6pm and get home around like 9ish. then on the 30th im flying back to pittsburgh to bum around with my sister and then im going to go back home to figure out how to decorate my apartment and what not. SC was so much fun! at myrtle beach though there was so many mi den because they had a motorcycle convention this weekend for memorial day weekend. ugh so mannyyyyyy. made me freak out.

so i am reading up on a bunch of blogs and finding cool things for : weddings, decorating and old actors/actresses hahaha

i found this poem i really like:

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody.

Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!

pretty poem! audrey hepburn's favorite.

p.s. why was your passport in korea cancelled? are they kicking you out of the country!?

Here Comes the Date ...

Now THIS is what I'm talking about when I think cute invitations! This is absolutely ADORABLE. The pop out colors are something I do all the time too! ^_^

I can't believe everyone has an apartment! I CANNOT wait to decorate! Keep updating!


im back home!

so i just arrived home. no like 12 hours ago. i woke up at 5:30AM! omg dunno what im gonna do tonight. ill probably watch tv and try not to fall asleep until midnight?

ah! so i found out my korean passport got cancelled automatically. so i can only stay in korea for 30 days with my us passport. my mom was gonna let me go to HK and andrew's gonna be there too. but i dont have a place to stay! he's staying at jackson's place. i dont wanna get a hotel by myself. boo!

so i ended up finding an apartment! it's right in downtown Royal Oak :P it's a quiet suburb. so im gonna be bored! ill probably stay home and play with my bunny IF i do get one.

that's my apartment! it sorta looks like new house but older :P

living room. hmm picture quality's horrible. ill take more when i move in and decorate :P

here's the kitchen! i forgot to take pictures of the room :P but its just a regular rectangular room. wahaha! apparently its 850 sq ft. i thought it was 750. kekeke! will be living with my bunny! anyhooz!! ill upload our graduation pix soon!

yay! for graduates!


say what!

So I started a blog for my travels, since my pictures are PLENTIFUL. check it out if you wanna see what I'm doing!




first i was afraaaid i was petrified


im in south carolina right now! in aiken, SC. so many white people and mi den and NO asian people!!!! so much fun. tomorrow i am going to myrtle beach. i will upload pretty pics of everywhere! =)

xiao is going to australia tomorrow! have fun xiao!


annas apartment

hi y'all. some sample pics of my apt. www.stuytown.com


floor plan!


right outside my apartment building

wayyyyy decorated room.

eh view of the apartment. not ours though. someone elses.


oh man. 4 years past! we're almost there! its 1:32 AM and i am watching home improvement!!!!

jays giving her speech in a couple of hours and hopefully she doesn't fart on stage. if she does, then i hope her parents get it on tape.

i dont know about you two, but i say all three of us post an entry right after we GRADUATE!!!!! ahhh.

promises to y'all.
1) i will notify you all first (minus my family) when i get engaged
2) i will visit michigan and virginia (2 weeks!!!)


p.s. we should definitely make sure we do an annual formal "sleepover"..and we should name it something like ....jax famous friendly slumber party 200~ hhaha!

AND YEA! i agree with jay in terms of PUTTING DOWN A DATE for the first set of slumber parties/gatherings!!!! weeee!!!! =)

posting up pics of my apt in a second then sleeping


My New Apartment

So this is to be my new apartment (unfurnished, of course) ...

Excited, scared ... yup!


The End of Something Great ...

Polaroids. From my childhood memories, I used a Polaroid camera a lot ... and I still refuse to part with my grey and pink (of course its pink) coolcam 600. Because who COULD? Even though film ranges from about $1.25 to $2.00 a picture, there is still something really special about the pictures that come out from a Polaroid camera.

Even that white edge around the film is really endearing. Some ways of framing your Polaroid involve cutting of some of the bottom edge to make the picture a perfect square, but I refuse. I love these Polaroids because they aren't in high definition 10 billion megapixel formats.

Do you remember grabbing the Polaroid as it came out of the camera ... shaking the picture even though that does absolutely nothing?

I might be trying to relive my childhood memories by buying all the film I can get my hands on (that won't empty my bank account), but I'm devastated at Polaroid's decision to stop making their film.

What's next? Polaroid is developing a high resolution printer (with sticky-back film slightly smaller than the size of a playing deck! iZod came before ipod!) that can connect via bluetooth or USB to your camera or cell phone. Its still not the same.

If Polaroid won't make the film - black market copycats ... where are you?

Its not just a toy, its a generation.