
I fell in love today!

OMG this 9 week old terrier is so adorable!!! She's kissing me. I so want her. If we end up living together, the only condition is that I get a dog. A BIG DOGGIE. Like a husky. Or at least a terrier or a beagle. Hahahaha.

Anyway, Jay - why is it that you didn't post your post? Write something! Or post something. Hahaha. I'm so confused. Hahahaha. At least you should be glad that I think Anna isn't going to watch anymore new dramas - I gave her a bunch of old ones to watch. ^_^


xiao. that was like the strangest post ever. hAHAHAHa poop. anyways stop watching just my luck!!! i <3 chris pine!!! =)))))

and joe cheng is MINEEEEE. you can have whatshisname. rain. yea you can have Rain. and wu zun is the guy from ISWAK...which is translated into english on youtube now. well up to episode 7. ahemahem.

okay i have to leave work now i will add more laterrr. i want to sell my beanie babies. since xiao says she doesn't collect them...i shall sell it to jay. i bet she would like them wont you JAYYYY.

okay byeeee x)

IM BACK. i just ate a small mint chocolate chip cookie. it was pretty good. its from whole foods. i like mint a lot . yum. i ate another omelot and im still hungry...so for dessert i had berries+apple. im still hungry. i'll wait till tomorrow. i want some mac and cheese. haahha. anyways lets seeee what is new. im looking into PR and checking to see what its like. it seems interesting. ALSO, i was lookig at the waldorf astoria and checkig to see if its like a nice place to have a wedding. i wonder how much it costs to have a wedding at the waldorf astoria. if jay owns hilton in her old age, maybe we can get it for freeeee =)

the eeeeend =)

A Typical Day In The Life ...

Thought these might be interesting to you whenever ur bored.

k: what korean thing have you been watching?
n: ohhh i was watching my name is kim sam soon or something
k: oh yeah
k: you told me
k: ...
k: thaaaats nice
k: (so korean)
n: okok whatever well i stopped watching it
n: i finished it awhile agooo
n: soo yeaaah
k: oh...
k: you didn't REALLY stop then
k: you finished it
n: yeah yeah SHUSH!!!
k: that's like "i stopped dieting
k: because i ate everything in my house"

- two girls online on aim talking about their addiction to dramas.

b: I'm doing bad in English
m: Well, first off, say badly, not bad, and then you can take it from there.
b: Gezz, so picky, I'm not like you - I don't speak Japan.

- a white boy talking to a Chinese girl

I love to sing, I love to dance, but I can't do it with poopie in my pants!

- dad from Hannah Montana singing the Potty Training Song

m: What happened to your glasses?!?
j: I stepped on them.
m: HOW?
j: Well, I put them in my shoe when I was showering so no one would step on them. And then I forgot and put on my shoe.

- a girl asking another why her glasses were taped up with scotch tape, and not the clear type of tape either.

p: What do you think you're doing?!?
j: You pulled me over?
p: You NEVER pull over on the left side of the road!

- a police officer yelling at a girl for pulling over on the left side of the highway, when in fact, he wasn't pulling her over at all.


hey peopleee!!!

- remind me to look at the shirt tomorrow during lunch to see if they have any
- Here are the links!!! x)




four << this has applecare! =)

YES HEARTTHROOOOBS <33333 mine is wu zun + guy from ISWAK. *GRIN*
i actually like the format of the website. i should be doing work...grrr. anyways i like the color (gray, pink)...its PRETTY! and i thought jay wasn't ever going to go onto the blogger???

sephora is GREAT! except i never got anything from there cuz i usually buy makeup once a year. i might get a facial when i get home. i need them to pick my pores (ew). wahahahha

and i guess this could be a secret blog and then if we get close to anyone, they can read it? like for fun? but then who would like to read poo, fart, froopie every single day?

oh me and jay were talking about her living in nyc and how we should get a loft (even though its a gazillion dollars). it would be SO MUCH FUN. also jay is going to get married soon. we have to find her a husband first though. WHAHAHA. the adventures of jax in ny.

so spring break for this coming year fell through. so did our "road trip". SO WHAT NOW?!!??! IDEAS PLEASE. okay i shoudl stop doing caps <3

*pounds to y'all* << grammatically correct hahahah jkjkk
Guidelines for this blog: There are no guidelines.


Decorate it as much as you want, and write whatever you want. Do you want to do a high tech photoshop/html carazy site? I guess we could ... what're some of your ideas? If you guys wanna put any links on the right hand side, go for it. I'm actually not sure at all what we wanna put there. *shrugs* Change the template if you want too. As for secrecy, how secret do you want it to be? We can turn off the comments so random people/nobody will be able to comment. Honestly, I don't really care if tons of people read it. Its not a major shocker. But its up to you two. I don't think I'd be talking about anything REALLY crazy in here, unless I talk about jax - fart, poop, froop ... hahaha.

So, to my right is my current heart throb. He's 简孝儒 (Jian Xiao Ruo) otherwise known as JR. He's so adorable! He's actually not in any major dramas, just in this taiwanese talk show that I've been recently addicted to. He's so funny and cute in the talk show. He's our age and he's part of a singing group called K One. He's mine. =D. No one steal him. I know both of you have your own heart throbs, so stay away. ^_^

Eric's supposed to be back soon, right? I think I asked him to buy me a bunch of drama. I have a feeling he only got one or two of them. But s'all good, my friend is in TAIWAN now. She's one of my best from home friends so I know for a fact that she'll buy me a lot of stuff, though I'll pay her back. Jay! When you see Eric (he is going to see you when he goes to Korea right?), say hi to him for me, and bug him. Hahaha. Did he end up getting you a bunch of stuff?

Anyway, meebo's been really fickle with me lately, so I highly doubt I'll be able to use it at work anymore. So totally sucks yo. I hope that you got my dire message Anna. Hahaha.

I spend so much money. Heh. I went to Sephora and went CARAZY. Ladida. So much fun. BUT. I'm trying to restrain myself cuz of the whole John Mayer tickets ... oh yeah, so the second weekend after school, I'm flying back to E-town for a John Mayer/Sheryl Crow concert. HOLLA BACK yo. ^_^ There's about 200 dollars. Hahahaha. My mom was like ... um ... ? Goes to show how having money is not necessarily a good thing. Hehehe.

Anyway, what a random post. I just love it.


i'm still at work. i'm working on a project. dunno if i could even finish it before i go back to pitt.
tsktsk. also, i don't need #1 from anna's rules. cuz i don't say such words! wahaha!
what else am i supposed to say? hmm.

xiexie xiao for creating the blogger! we should decorate it! can we?
i'm new to this whole blogger thing :)
we need to comem up with some rules for this blogger!!! HELLOoOOoo! x)

1. You can always say fart, flatulence, poo, pee
2. According to Xiao, you must write legibly and in correct garmmerkfla;dsf. (grammar)
3. How secret is this blog?

P.S. I just came back from my meetings and a frantic Xiao was trying to get a hold of me. Come back Xiao!
Good Morning, Evening, and Night. It's lunchtime here actually. Hope all is going well! Welcome to jaxulence, Anna and Jay! Hahaha.