
Guidelines for this blog: There are no guidelines.


Decorate it as much as you want, and write whatever you want. Do you want to do a high tech photoshop/html carazy site? I guess we could ... what're some of your ideas? If you guys wanna put any links on the right hand side, go for it. I'm actually not sure at all what we wanna put there. *shrugs* Change the template if you want too. As for secrecy, how secret do you want it to be? We can turn off the comments so random people/nobody will be able to comment. Honestly, I don't really care if tons of people read it. Its not a major shocker. But its up to you two. I don't think I'd be talking about anything REALLY crazy in here, unless I talk about jax - fart, poop, froop ... hahaha.

So, to my right is my current heart throb. He's 简孝儒 (Jian Xiao Ruo) otherwise known as JR. He's so adorable! He's actually not in any major dramas, just in this taiwanese talk show that I've been recently addicted to. He's so funny and cute in the talk show. He's our age and he's part of a singing group called K One. He's mine. =D. No one steal him. I know both of you have your own heart throbs, so stay away. ^_^

Eric's supposed to be back soon, right? I think I asked him to buy me a bunch of drama. I have a feeling he only got one or two of them. But s'all good, my friend is in TAIWAN now. She's one of my best from home friends so I know for a fact that she'll buy me a lot of stuff, though I'll pay her back. Jay! When you see Eric (he is going to see you when he goes to Korea right?), say hi to him for me, and bug him. Hahaha. Did he end up getting you a bunch of stuff?

Anyway, meebo's been really fickle with me lately, so I highly doubt I'll be able to use it at work anymore. So totally sucks yo. I hope that you got my dire message Anna. Hahaha.

I spend so much money. Heh. I went to Sephora and went CARAZY. Ladida. So much fun. BUT. I'm trying to restrain myself cuz of the whole John Mayer tickets ... oh yeah, so the second weekend after school, I'm flying back to E-town for a John Mayer/Sheryl Crow concert. HOLLA BACK yo. ^_^ There's about 200 dollars. Hahahaha. My mom was like ... um ... ? Goes to show how having money is not necessarily a good thing. Hehehe.

Anyway, what a random post. I just love it.

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