
the beauty of FOOD

so i just saw ......

amazing movie! loved every bit of it. except..t.he running of the rats...swarm of them creeped me out. i read that one of the animators who lent their voice for alfredo linguini character studied theater arts and then switched to animation ...wowee! i should go back to what i wanted to do since i was little...which was animation. but that stuff takes a lot of time at the computer...and im afraid of becoming pale and my eyes getting worst.

ive been pooping well since ive been home though...i.e. A LOT. its like every time i lie down im like op i have to get back up again. its frustrating...because sometimes i just want to sit for a long time but i can't. oh wells. hmmm what else. my mom made short ribs just a couple of hours ago. i had some cat fish too. i LOOOOVe cat fish...fried catfish is delicious. yummmmmmm

and me and my sister made mint strawberry limeade (will post pictures later)


love to all the darlings (i.e. you two)

1 comment:

X said...

OMG, i AGREE about all those rats. OMG i love the movie, but the scenes where the rats run around ... CREEPY. ><